Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill
Tupac Shakur Vikipedi. Tupac Amaru Shakur. Tupac graffiti. Genel bilgiler. Doum. 16 Haziran 1. February 10, 1998 screenplay by Roger Kumble. Breaking news, weather, analysis and information from the Omaha WorldHerald about Omaha events, local weather, sports, schools, crime, government, health and. Previously On the Turntable. June 1, 2016 August 31, 2016. SONG If My Friends Could See Me Now If My Friends Could See Me Now TV performance. Early life. The Game was born Jayceon Terrell Taylor on November 29, 1979, in Compton, California, a lowincome crimeridden city, situated south of downtown Los. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill' title='Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill' />Dou Harlem, New York, ABDlm. Eyll 1. 99. 6 2. Las Vegas, Nevada, ABDKken. Oakland, Kaliforniya, ABDTarzlar. West Coast Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap. Meslekler. Rapi, Aktr, Prodktr, air, Senarist, Aktivist, Yazar. Etkin yllar1. 98. AktrMzik irketi. Interscope, Death Row, Amarulikili hareketler. Amara956/People/Horse-girl.jpg' alt='Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill' title='Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill' />Johnny J, Digital Underground, Danny Boy, Dr. Dre, E 4. 0, Tha Dogg Pound, Snoop Dogg, Outlawz, Nate Dogg, Young Noble, MC Breed, Ice Cube, Eazy E, The Notorious B. I. G. Resm sitesi. Tupac Amaru Shakur 1. Haziran 1. 97. 1 1. Eyll 1. 99. 6, ABDli rap mziksanats, air, senarist, aktr ve yapmc. Pac, Pac ve Makaveli adlaryla da bilinir. Tupac Shakur, 7. 5 milyon zerinde albm satmay baarm ve gen yata lmesine ramen bu baary yakalayarak En ok Satan Mzik Sanatlar listesine girmeyi baarmtr. Rolling Stone Dergisi tarafndan Tm Zamanlarn En Byk 8. Sanats seilmitir. Tupacn arklarnn birounun ana temas varolardakiiddet ve zorluklar, rklk, sosyal sorunlar ve Dou Yakas Bat Yakas kavgasnda dier rapilerle yaad srtmelerdi. Eyll. 19. 96da Las Vegas, Nevadada 4 kez vuruldu. Hastaneye kaldrldktan 6 gn sonra solunum ve kalp yetmezlii tansyla ld ve hala lm ile ilgili bilim insanlarnn phesi vardr. Doum ad Lesane Parish Crooks olan Shakurun ismini, annesi daha sonra Tupac Amaru Shakur olarak deitirdi. Tupac Amaru Hinte parlayan ylan, Shakur ise Arapa kr demekti. Shakur, vey babasnn soyadyd. Annesi Afeni Shakur ve yengesi Assata Shakur, Kara Panter Partisinde etkin rol almaktaydlar. Tupac daha sonra Changes adl arksnda bu gruptan bahsetmektedir. Siyahlara kar olan tutum yznden partiyle ilgisi olan annesi hapse atld. Tupacn ocukluk ve ilk genlik yllar fakirlik iinde geti. July2017 34. Volume 7 Number 4. Columns 2. Mom of the Month 4. Living With Children John Rosemond. Cool Party Themes. Discover six fun and unique party ideas for. December2013. Columns. Volume 6 Number 7. Publishers Note Lynn Knighton. Living With Children John Rosemond. Toddler Meltdowns in Public New Years. Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill' title='Let`S Ride Rosemond Hill' />Annesiyle beraber kere tanmak ve ehir deitirmek zorunda kaldlar. Kariyerinin ilk yllarnda Tupac, Digital Underground isimli gruba katld. Bu grupta ilk balarda sahne eleman ve arka plan danss olarak grev yaparken daha sonra MClie geti. Same Songu Shock G ile seslendirdi. Grubun baarl olmasyla Tupac, 2. Pacalypse Now adl ilk albmn kard. Albm ok baarl olmasa da Brendas Got A Baby gibi baarl ve etkili arklara sahipti. Etkileyici rol yetenei sayesinde Juice isimli filmde rol almay baard. Strictly 4 My N. I. G. G. A. Z. kard. Albm bir ncekine gre daha baarlyd. Tupacn rol kariyeri ise Janet Jacksonla oynad Poetic Justice filminde dorua kt. Above The Rim adl filmde de rol alarak aktrln gelitirdi. Kasm 1. 99. 3te Tupac ve arkadalar bir otel odasnda bir kadna tecavz etmekten sulandlar. Kadnn bu iddiasn Tupac asla kabul etmedi ve olayn gnll olarak gelitiini syledi. Mahkeme sonucunda Tupac 1. Nisan 1. 99. 6da kefaletle serbest kalma koullarna uymad iin mahkeme tarafndan tarihi daha sonra aklanmak zere 1. Kasm 1. 99. 4te tecavz davasnn sonucunun aklanmasndan bir gn nce, kimlii hala bilinmeyen kiiler tarafndan New Yorktaki stdyosunun nnde 5 el vuruldu ve 3. Shakur bu olayda eski bir arkada olan ve o srada stdyoda bulunan vurulduktan sonra stdyoda grd rap Biggie Smalls ve yine stdyoda bulunan Sean Combsu sulad. Haziran. 20. 11 tarihinde bir mahkm Tupac vurmas iin Czar Entertainmentin sahibi James Rosemond tarafndan kiralandn ve bunu yapt iin ok piman olduunu aklad. Vurulduktan gnler sonra Tupac, doktorlarn uyarlarna ramen hastaneden kt. Me Against the World albmn kard. Bu albm Tupacn o gne kadarki en iyi albmyd. Listelerde 4 hafta bir numara olarak kald ve o gne kadar bir haftada en ok satan erkek rap albm oldu. Hapisteyken Keisha Morris ile evlendi fakat daha sonra 1. Hapiste 8 ay kaldktan sonra Tupac kefaletle serbest kalmak iin bavuruda bulundu fakat 1. Hapisteki 1. 1. ayndan sonra Death Row Recordsun sahibi Suge Knight tarafndan denen kefaletle serbest brakld. Tupac ile yaplan anlama neticesinde Suge Knightn deyecei kefalete karlk Tupac irket adna albm karacakt. Serbest kaldktan sonra Tupac derhal arklar kaydetmeye balad. Outlaw Immortalz adnda yeni bir grup kurdu. Ksa zamanda yeni irketindeki Dr. Drenin zerinde alt California Love adl parasna elik etti. All Eyez On Meyi piyasaya srd. Albm 2 diskten oluuyordu ve yeni anlamasndaki albmn ikisini kapsyordu. Albm ok baarl oldu ve gnmze kadar 9 milyonun zerinde satt. Tupac Death Rowdaki artan problemlere ramen aralksz ark kaydetmeye devam etti. Yzlerce ark kaydetti ve bu arklarnn ou ldkten sonra kan albmlerinde kullanld. Temmuz 1. 99. 6da Outlawz grubuyla beraber Biggie ve yandalarna hakaretler yadrd nl arks Hitem Up yaynlad. Film kariyeri ise Bullet, Gridlockd ve Gang Related filmleriyle devam etti. Son iki film lmnden sonra yaynland. Hapisteyken Niccol Machiavellinin kitaplarn okuyup ok etkilendi ve takma adn Makaveli olarak deitirdi. Bu isimde The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory albmn kard. Daha ok duygusal, ac ve fke ierikli arklardan oluan bir albm oldu. Tupac bu albm iin arklar gnde yazp kaydetti ve drt gnde de retti. Toplam yedi gnde bitirdii albm adn buradan ald. Tupacn mzii ve felsefesi ou Amerikal, Afrikal Amerikal ve dnya vatandalar Kara Panter Grubu, Siyah milliyetilii, eitlikiler ve zgrlklerle birlikte zdelemitir. Pacalypse Now da sosyal sorunlar, eitsizlik, alk ve polis iddeti zerine mzik yapan Tupac, ikinci albm olan Strictly 4 My N. I. G. G. A. Z. da da ayn tarza devam etti fakat Keep Ya Head Up gibi arklarda duygusal taraflarn da gsterdi. Bu albmden sonraki kan her albmde Tupac agresifliini bir doz daha artrd. Sosyal eitsizlik, kontrolsz fke, efkat, umut ve elence gibi birbirinden tutarsz temalar stne oluturulan 1. Me Against The Worldn ardndan 1. All Eyez On Me yi kard. Bu albmdeki Ambitionz Az A Ridah, I Aint Mad At Cha California Love, Picture Me Rollin, ve Life Goes On gibi arklarn bulunduu birok ark klasik olarak kabul edildi. Bu albm ncekilerden tamamen farkl bir tarza sahipti. Sosyal ynden sorunlar aktaran arklarn yannda ou ark parti mzikleri ve haval olup, hayatn tadn karma zerine kuruluydu. Tupac hayli baarl olan albmdeki tarzn hayat kutlamak olarak aklamt. Genken ilham ald ve beendii kiiler arasnda Kate Bush, Culture Club, Sinead OConnor ve U2 gibi ngiliz ve rlandal pop mzisyenleri vard. Tupac srekli okuyan bir kiiydi. William Shakespeare, Niccol Machiavelli, Donald Goines, Sun Tzu, Kurt Vonnegut, Mikhail Bakunin, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker ve Khalil Gibran gibi eitli yazarlardan ilhamlar alm ve etkilenmiti. Tupac hibir zaman kendini hangi dine ait olarak grdn belirtmedi ama Only God Can Judge Me Beni sadece Tanr yarglar gibi arklarndaki szlerinden ve The Rose That Grew from Concrete gibi iirlerinden anlald kadaryla tanrya inanyordu. Birok analizci bu yzden onu Deist olarak tanmlar. Karma yasasna inanrd fakat yaln olarak lmden sonra yaama ve rgtl dinlere inanmazd. Afeni Shakur annesi Tupacn annesi daha Tupaca hamileyken Kara Panterler davas nedeniyle hapisteydi. On the Turntable Disco Disco. Francois Kevorkian Hubert Eaves IIICOMMENTS D Train was a duo John D Train Williams vocals Hubert Eaves III keyboards. The guys got a contract with legendary Prelude Records andthis was their first and only Number 1 in the Billboard Dance charts. The track got a remix treatment by Francois Kevorkianand got heavy rotation by Larry Levan at his Paradise Garage. Another Master was also involved in this release. Herbie mastered the recording and put the greeting Hi Gerry, Phyllis and Mike in the run out groove. This is the One for ME Disco on October 6, 2. November 4, 2. 00. SONG You Gotta Let Me Show You. ARTIST Esther Williams. LABEL Friends Co. DD 1. 00. 1YEAR 1. WRITER A. Walker, E. Williams A. Walker. PRODUCER Eddie Drennon. REMIXER Tom Moulton. COMMENTS Rare classic from 1. A Tom Moulton Mix. I dont know if this Ester is at all relatedto the legendary Hollywood swimming actress. This Esther did have another hit in 1. Ill be your pleasure. Disco on September 2, 2. October 5, 2. 00. SONG Your Love. ARTIST Lime. LABEL Prism PDS 4. YEAR 1. 98. 0WRITER Denis Le. Page,Denyse Le. Page,Joe La. Greca. PRODUCER Joe La. Greca. REMIXER Michel Simard. COMMENTS The married Canadian couple. Denis Denyse Le. Page was Lime. Later they devorsed and other singers were brought in Joy Dorris John Luongos wife sung the female parts. This track was Limes first hitand made it all the way to 1 in the Billboard Disco Charts. Game Jaws Unleashed For Pc Ripper there. The song was the best part of the movie Summer Lovers,featuring Darryl Hannah and O. C star Peter Gallagher. So this track is for all you Summer Lovers,hold on to Your Love July 2, 2. September 1, 2. SONG Summer Groove Moving onARTIST the Joneses. LABEL Good Records 7. YEAR 1. 98. 1WRITER Glenn Dorsey Augustus T. Brown. PRODUCER Glenn Dorsey. REMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Great Summer trackwhich I had forgot about until. Dave Joey Negro Lee put it in his new CDthe Soul of Disco Volume Two. Joneses are most known for their 1. Sugar Pie Guywhile I think this gem is a perfect. Summer Anthem here On the Turntable. Let this Summer Groove move you on May 3. July 1, 2. SONG Chains Cream Always Rises To the TopARTIST Bionic Boogie. LABEL Polydor PRO 0. YEAR 1. 97. 8WRITER Gregg Diamond. PRODUCER Gregg Diamond Godfrey Diamond. REMIXER Gregg Diamond Jim Burgess. COMMENTS Gregg Diamond was Bionic Boogie. Hes probably most known for the trackRisky Changes. Sometimes he was credited as. Gregg Diamond Bionic Boogie. He also released Star Cruiseon Floridas T. K. Discoas Gregg Diamonds Star Cruiser. The Cream track was remixed by Jim Burgess. Gregg only became 4. March 1. 4, 1. 99. May 1, 2. 00. 6 May 2. SONG You Never Loved Me I Just Cant Shake the Feeling. ARTIST Ava Cherry. LABEL RSO RPO 1. YEAR 1. WRITER C. Mayfield B. Eli J. Prusan. PRODUCER Bobby Eli Gil Askey. REMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Special 4 track promo 1. Ava Cherry. Ava was part of a backing trio together with. Robin Clark and Luther Vandross. She was also David Bowies partner for 4 years. These 2 tracks are from Avas solo debut album Ripe The Curtis Mayfield penned You never loved mewas a Larry Levan and Paradise Garage classic. I just cant shake the feeling is a favorite of mine. Enjoy this double feature to celebrate song 1. On the Turntable. Come on Shake the feeling April 1, 2. April 3. SONG Lookin for love. ARTIST Fat Larrys Band. LABEL WMOT D 1. YEAR 1. WRITER Larry Doris James. PRODUCER Larry James. REMIXER Mike Gormley Larry James. COMMENTS Larry James was Fat Larry. He was the brain behind this Philadelphia Disco Funk band. This song, along with their 1. Act like you know,are their finest moments. Both are great tracks, but none of themreached the Top 2. The band made a handful albums butsadly Larry James died far too earlyat the age of 3. December 5, 1. 98. March 3, 2. 00. 6 March 3. SONG Shake it up tonight. ARTIST Cheryl Lynn. LABEL Columbia 4. YEAR 1. 98. 1WRITER M. Sutton B. Sutton. PRODUCER Ray Parker Jr. REMIXER Ray Parker Jr. COMMENTS Not one of Cherylsmost known songs. She also gave us hits like Got to be real, Star loveKeep it hot and Encore. Besides these you can also hear her in. Totos classic Georgy Porgy. Come on Shake it up tonight February 4, 2. March 2, 2. 00. 6SONG Let no man put asunder. ARTIST First Choice. LABEL Sal. Soul SG 3. YEAR 1. 98. 3WRITER B. Gray B. Hawes. PRODUCER Baker Harris Young. REMIXER Shep Pettibone. COMMENTS This is the classictrack with the famousIts not over. The track was originally recorded back in 1. Shep Pettibone remixed it in March 2. Sal. Soul Records. The 1. 2 also include a acappella versionhense the heavy samplingand also a great Frankie Knuckles remix on the flip. ITS NOT OVER. December 3. February 3, 2. 00. SONG Get down Saturday night. ARTIST Oliver Cheatham. LABEL MCAYEAR 1. WRITER O. Cheatham K. Mc. Cord. PRODUCER ADKREMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Its New Years evewhen putting this track on hereits also Saturday. Couldnt think of a better track to putOn the Turntable. New Years and Saturday time to Get down. Its a wonderful trackwhich was also sampled by Room 5in their Make Luv some years back. Have yourself a great new. December 3, 2. 00. December 3. 0, 2. SONG Abracadabra. ARTIST Steve Miller Band. LABEL Capitol 8. YEAR 1. WRITER Steve Miller. PRODUCER Steve Miller Gary Mallaber. REMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Maybe this trackcan help to a little X mas feeling. Abracadabra Magic X masAnyhow, this is the B side track ofthe Larry Levan and Paradise Garage classicMacho City. Else Steve Miller is probably most knownfor his song the Jokerwhich was used in a Levis jeans commercial. Have yourself a Magic X mas November 1. December 3, 2. 00. SONG Get up get on your feet. ARTIST Carte Blanche. LABEL Durium DEX 1. YEAR 1. 97. 9WRITER Peter Yellowstone Steve Voice. PRODUCER P. Yellowstone, S. Voice G. Calver. REMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Nice Disco track. Another unknown track and act. The 1. 2 is plessed on white vinyland the picture cover show. I hope youll enjoy the track. Get Up Get On Your Feet October 1. November 1. 3, 2. SONG River Drive. ARTIST Jupiter Beyond. LABEL AZO FW 1. 81. YEAR 1. 97. 9WRITER P. Lightfoot. PRODUCER P. Lightfoot. REMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Another excellent trackthat Joey Negro turned me into. He also used it as the base for hisLove Fantasy track. The song is also released on a more common. UK 1. 2 single on PYE Records. Else I dont know nothing about this group,anyone who knows something August 1. October 9, 2. 00. SONG Take me to the top. ARTIST Advance. LABEL Polydor 8. YEAR 1. 98. 3WRITER Raimondi,Abacab,Spagna,Wesley,Patterson. PRODUCER D. Raimondi A. Ugolini. REMIXER Not available. COMMENTS Originally a recordingon the Italian Energy label,this is the US release of this 1. Dont know much about this actbut the track stayed. Billboard Dance charts. Its also featured in the CDs. Masterpiece vol. 1 and Funky Collector vol. It sure Take me to the tophope it does the same for you July 4, 2. August 1. SONG the Glow of love. ARTIST Change feat. Luther Vandross. LABEL Warner RFCYEAR 1. WRITER D. Roman, W.