Secret War From The Files Of Nick Fury 1
What Did Nick Fury Whisper This weeks issue of Unworthy Thor finally revealed why the Odinson considers himself unworthy of his hammer, Mjolnir, which Thor first dropped all the way back in Original Sin 7, when Nick Fury whispered a devastating secret in his ear. A secret we learn in this weeks issue that stretches back to Jason Aaron and Esad Ribics Godbomb run on Thor God of Thunder. Now we know Fury simply whispered, Gorr was right. So Who Is Gorr, and What Was He Right About Gorr the God Butcher was Thors primary antagonist during the first eleven issues of Aaron and Ribics Thor God of Thunder. Having seen his family and his desert world devastated by famine, their years of prayers unanswered, Gorr set out to slay all the universes gods with All Black the Necrosword. The then present Thor Odinson, past Viking Thor, and future King Thor teamed up with King Thors three daughters to eventually defeat Gorr and his master weapon, the Godbomb. However, in Thor God of Thunder 9, Gorr already recognized Thor Odinsons doubts about the cause of the gods. You know Im right, he said, taunting as they battled. Thats why you fight so hard. Barton was hand picked by Director Nick Fury for his leadership abilities, strategic prowess, combat skills, and his tendency to do what he believes is right even. Why you try so desperately hard to seem noble. Because you see just how petty and useless your kind truly are. You know what I know. That gods have never created or cared for anything except themselves. He continued The god who doubts. Heh. I change my mind. Diffusion Activity Summary Worksheet. Youre my favorite Thor. Panel from God of Thunder 1. The-Nick-Fury-SHIELD-Collection.jpg?fit=480%2C718' alt='Secret War From The Files Of Nick Fury 1' title='Secret War From The Files Of Nick Fury 1' />However, Gorr didnt just condemn the gods. He also made a prediction about them. At a White House press conference today, President Trump accused former FBI director James Comey of perjuring himself before the US Senatea very serious charge. KEY Unread Read Sticky Locked Announcement Moved Moderator. There was something very telling about Marvels decision this past Monday to announce to The New York Times how its Secret Empire event would end. It felt like the. During a televised raid of a house containing select villains that had recently escaped from the super villain facility at Rykers Island prison during a massive. As the Thors and their daughters were about to destroy him at the end of Godbomb, he cried, Youyou dont deserve this victory, and you know it. All youve ever brought this universe is misery. Gods didnt create mankind, but someday, if theyre not stoppedthey will end it. Mark my words. So what did Furys whisper mean Thor seems to believe that it confirms no god is worthy, but does it apply to Gorrs prediction as well Was Gorr also right about the gods destruction of mankind Panel from Unworthy Thor 4. Meanwhile, In The Mighty ThorThis reveal also has interesting implications for the events over in last weeks Mighty Thor 1. The gods of the Shiar seemed to confirm all of Gorrs accusations against the gods. As they competed against Jane FosterThor in the Challenge of the Gods, they were callous and petty, making contests out of calling down plagues and demanding infanticide. JaneThor refused to participate in the slaughter that the contest demanded. The concept of worthiness has also resonated in the pages of The Mighty ThorShadrakpreviously The God of Bombs, whose pantheon Gorr murdered in God of Thunder, and now God of Daffodils and Documentation, served as the scorekeeper for their sick contest. Watching it, he said, Why couldnt Gorr have killed you instead of all my friends Having taunted the Shiar into challenging Jane FosterThor, Loki complained, The gods are such petty fools. None more so than me. This isnt even fun anymore. Both Thor titles are clearly building to some sort of conclusion about godhood. At the end of Mighty Thor 1. Shiar called forth the Ultimate Judgmentwhich, based on the solicits for issue 1. Phoenix Force. However, is it the Shiar who pose the greatest threat to Midgard Or is it Loki and Malekiths War of the Realms And what role will this new War Thor, wielding the hammer of Ultimate Thor, play Share.